
2022 Winter Ventilation Study

A study on the difference between hives with and without upper entrances

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2022 Winter Ventilation Study

How does colony temp and humidity differ between colonies with: a single vent at the lower entrance and a top and bottom vent?

NHBA has continued its winter colony studies over the 2022-23 Winter by instrumenting
5 colonies with 5 sensors each to answer the question: โ€œHow does colony temperature
and relative humidity differ between colonies with a single lower entrance and a top +
bottom entrance?โ€. The data collection has been completed as of 4/1/23 and the
analysis is underway. The study setup, analysis and learnings will be available at:


One of the exciting outcomes of this project is we put together a Vapor Pressure Deficit table like the ones that farmers use in their greenhouses to help beekeepers ย interpret winter temp & relative humidity readings for instrumented colonies.


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